Here are some tips for Parents to help you to support your son or daughter in gaining employment on their own. The legal working age for young people in Victoria is 15 years of age. It is common for young people while they are in Year 10 to start looking for casual or part-time employment that fits into their school timetable. As more young people are continuing onto further education and beyond, part time employment becomes an essential component for their subsistence.
As a parent, it is important to know that support and encouragement are crucial ingredients during the job hunting process. We have set out below some tips designed especially for parents that will enable you to support your child in obtaining their own job.
Don’t ring an employer for your child. Let them take the responsibility – and build self confidence.
Help them prepare a script beforehand and understand that their presentation of themselves starts from this point
There are some useful ‘Cold Calling’ tips, plus interview tips are available on the Youth Central website:
Preparation is the key to success in an interview. This means finding out as much as possible about the organisation and the job itself well before the interview.
Assisting them to practise in answering the questions will help minimise nerves during the actual interview.
Help your child recognise their strengths and skills. This will not only impress the employer, but greatly boost your child’s sense of identity and self confidence.
Encourage your child to obtain a Tax File Number
A Tax File Number (TFN) is a unique number that issued to all individuals and organisations to assist the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Once issued, a TFN will be used for life. It is not compulsory to have a TFN but without it you may have more tax withheld than you need to or be unable to receive government benefits you are entitled to.
For more information contact the ATO
Phone: 1300 720 092,
Centrelink is a government agency that delivers a range of services to the Australian community. A young person who is seeking employment or currently studying (full time or part time), may be eligible for some financial assistance from Centrelink. This could be in the form of fortnightly payments, access to a healthcare card and access to a Job Network service provider.
For more information contact Centrelink
Phone: 131 021 (toll free)
What is Job Network?
The Job Network is an Australian Government funded network of organisations that deliver employment services to unemployed job seekers and employers.
Young people under the age of 18 years receive more scrutinised assessment and may be eligible for more support services
What are private recruitment agencies and labour hire companies?
Whilst Job Network finds jobs for people, private recruitment agencies and labour hire companies find ‘people for jobs’. Private recruitment and labour hire companies are paid by employers to find suitable employees on their behalf.
Explain Superannuation to your child.
Everyone with a job is required to join a government-approved superannuation fund. Whether you are employed on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, if you’re between 18 and 70 years of age and earning more than $450 in a calendar month, your employer is required to pay a percentage of your salary into a superannuation fund.
There are lots of different superannuation funds available and many employers have their preferred fund. However, as an employee you may be able to nominate your own fund.
For more information on Superannuation, contact the Australian Taxation Office on 131 020