Brokerage Services
All VET programs are overseen by an Whitelion staff member.
Whitelion will liaise between students, their school, school staff (i.e. VET, Careers or VCAL Coordinator), the training provider and the Trainers. This brokerage relationship is important in ensuring students receive access to quality VET training, through the clustering of students from a number of local schools.
Whitelion negotiates the conditions and provision of VET Certificate training with registered training organisations in relation to: the program structure, timetable, costs of training and materials, and administrative processes that occur throughout the school year such as VASS deadlines and attendance.
Whitelion acts as conduit between the training provider and the school. This provides both parties with one contact point for the provision of the VET program. This allows for smooth communication for schools, teachers, training organisations and trainers with any issues that may arise with the VET Programs and the associated administrative obligations.
As part of Whitelion-Youth Connect’s brokerage service, schools which enrol students into VET programs will be required to pay an enrolment and administrative fee.
Whitelion will provide the following support:
- Administer enrolment with training provider
- Provide information to students and schools on class details
- Student attendance reports will be sent to schools
- Collating VASS information and forwarding to schools before VASS due date
- Collate and distribute results and certificates to students/schools
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Whitelion has MoU arrangements with all schools that access its VET program brokerage. This is usually sent to the school at the commencement of the school year and requires the school to nominate a key contact such as a VET, VCAL or Careers Teacher/ Coordinator to be the main liaison between the student/s and Whitelion-Youth Connect throughout the VET training period.
This MoU formalizes agreements pertaining to the roles and responsibilities of both Whitelion-Youth Connect and the school.
VASS (Victorian Assessment Software System) Information
All VCE, VCAL and VET data including subject/unit information and results of enrolled school students is entered by schools into VASS (Victorian Assessment Software System). Whitelion collects this information from the training providers and passes it onto schools whose responsibility it is to enter the information on to VASS. For more information, please contact VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Ph: 1800 134 197 or (03) 9651 4544.