Youth Connect is looking for young students, professionals and employers, who are studying, graduates, currently working or retirees to assist in various events and programs.
Please note we are unable to take Work Placements Students undertaking youth or community work courses.
Our main volunteer intake is required for the iPrep program.
WHAT is the iPREP Program?
Provides school students with the opportunity to have a mock interview with a young person to give them a real interview experience.
HOW does iPREP work?
- Interview sessions are arranged at schools
- Students will come prepared as if they were attending a real interview
- Youth Connect will provide you with questions and an evaluation form
- Students will receive your valuable feedback on their application, presentation and performance
HOW does iPREP benefit YOU?
- Improve your own interview skills
- Gain experience in interviewing others for your CV
- ‘Give back’ to the community
HOW does the iPREP Program benefit STUDENTS?
- Students will learn about employers’ expectations
- Experience the process and function of a job interview
- Gain clarity and confidence with interviews
“Share your professional development with young people and gain interpersonal skills at the same time”
Click here to complete a Volunteer Application Form if you wish to participate.
Download the following Volunteer Position Description and Agreement for more information.