The Workplace Learning Coordinator Program is funded by the Australian Government under the National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions, a joint initiative of the Australian and State and Territory Governments.
The program will allow young people aged 15 – 19 years of age to improve their skills and workplace knowledge through ‘on the job’ experience through Work Experience (WE), Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT).
Youth Connect will be delivering the Workplace Coordinators Program within the Bayside, Glen Eira & Kingston Local Government Areas.
The objectives of the Workplace Learning Coordinators Program are to:
- Increase the numbers of young people undertaking workplace learning placements in places of employment, especially in industries that provide strong vocational outcomes for students;
- Increase the alignment between vocational education and training (VET) provision and local industry needs; and
- Increase the number of Koorie young people undertaking workplace learning placements.
Workplace Learning placements include Work Experience placements (WE), Structured Workplace Learning placements (SWL) and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT)
The Program will contribute to:
- Improving opportunities for all young people to undertake workplace learning placements;
- Improving the quality of VET In Schools (VETIS) programs through increased opportunities for young people to undertake Structured Work Place Learning (SWL) and be assessed in work based contexts;
- Developing a ‘bank’ of ongoing workplace learning placements;
- Improving the match between Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) and VET provision and building effective student learning pathways;
- Promoting workplace learning to industry by improving industry understanding of the benefits to them; and
- Improving opportunities for Koorie young people to undertake workplace learning placements by linking with existing targeted initiatives such as the Australian Employment Covenant.
Workplace Learning Coordinators will:
- liaise with industry and schools(both government and non-government) and VET and ACE providers.
- generate work placements expanding on the number and quality of placements currently available to young people in their region.
- disseminate information to all stakeholders, industry, government and non-government secondary schools.
- promote to industry the benefits of workplace learning.
- provide a key contact point for employers.
- work with Koorie Transitions Coordinators to increase Koorie young peoples’ access to appropriate workplace learning placements.
The Program will identify, facilitate and coordinate workplace learning placements for young people aged between 15 and 19 years.
The program will not involve working with individual students instead build capacity for education and training providers to prepare, inform and mentor young people throughout the workplace learning cycle.
Download the Workplace Learning Coordinator Expression of Interest Form and learn about how your business can get involved.
Download the case study book – “A Victorian approach to providing young people with meaningful school to industry experiences”
For more information:
Michele Sargent or Geraldine Borgonha
Workplace Learning Program Coordinators
P: 03 8306 6300
E: [email address=”[email protected]”]