VETiS Expression of Interest Form

Please complete the VETis Expression of Interest Form below.  You will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier number to complete the form.  If you do not have a USI follow this link:- Create a USI

Please note that courses are subject to change and/or cancellation depending on enrolments.


VETis Expression of Interest Form 2020

  • Please select a course
  • Your Details

  • All students doing nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes students doing Vocational Education Training (VET) when they are still at school (VET for secondary students). Instructions at the top of this form.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Emergency Contact Details

  • Student Agreement

    I have read the Students Guidelines and have discussed my participation in the program with my parents/guardians. I understand that to complete the program and gain the VET Certificate I must meet the requirements of both the VET course and my VCE or VCAL. I will endeavour to keep up to date with my studies. I agree to abide by the rules of the training centre, work placement requirements and companies in which I work if relevant to my course, including those rules relating to safety, punctuality, attendance and the coordination of work placements.
  • Parent/Guardian Endorsement

    I consent to my child taking part in this program. My child has consulted me about his/her involvement in the program and I understand the commitment required. I agree that he/she will be subject to the direction and control of the nominated supervisor of the employer and/or training centre and I expect my child to obey all reasonable rules governing safety and behavior. I also acknowledge that it is my child’s responsibility to attend all classes throughout the year. In the event of illness or accident to my child, I understand I will be notified as soon as possible, but where it is not possible to communicate with me within a reasonable time frame (in the circumstances), I authorise the person in charge at the workplace or training centre to consent to my child receiving such medical and surgical treatment (including the administration of an anesthetic) as may be deemed necessary by a legally qualified medical practitioner. I understand that the employer and/or training centre will take all reasonable care for the safety and health of my child.
  • Photo Release

    I give permission for In2Life to use and publish my child’s first name with the photographs and/or videos that contain images of my child in publications (including newsletters, websites, brochures, newspaper articles or press releases and guides) that will be shared with the wider community and public or for reporting purposes.
  • Your Careers Teacher/Coordinator Name

    The school Careers Coordinator must endorse that the above named student has undertaken course/career counselling and is deemed suitable to undertake this program.