
VET Vocational Education and Training
Programs that allow students to combine their VCE or VCAL studies with TAFE-based training and structured work placements in industry.
SWL Structured Workplace Learning
A work placement within a business related to the area of study for students who are completing a VET Program. Students will be required to complete an approved Work Placement.
TAFE Technical and Further Education
TAFE Institutes provide secondary and tertiary training and further education for a wide range of occupations and levels in all industries via a range of flexible delivery options.
VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
A senior school certificate that sits alongside the VCE, with an emphasis on hands-on learning that recognises the successful completion of students’ secondary education.
VCE Victorian Certificate of Education
A senior school certificate that recognises the successful completion of students’ secondary education.


AAC Australian Apprenticeship Centres
AQTF Australian Qualifications Training Framework
BGKLLEN Bayside Glen Eira Kingston Local Learning Employment Network
CALD Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
DEECD Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
DEEWR Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
DIIRD Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
DPCD Department of Planning and Community Development
GTO Group Training Organisation
RTO Registered Training Organisation
VASS Victorian Assessment Software System
VCAA Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority
VETiS Vocational Education and Training in Schools