The Chatterbox Street Outreach Program is an after-hours assertive outreach program that works with young people aged between 12 & 25, who are street frequenting, homeless, at risk of homelessness and/or engaging in risk taking behaviour.
The Chatterbox provides a variety of services to street frequenting young people, from intensive and ongoing support by way of case management, or through other brief interventions the program is able to assess the needs of young people, and link them to the services they require as well as providing basic material aid in food, clothing and health supplies.
Why are outreach services important?
Many of the young people are attracted to the Melbourne CBD as it is a focal point for entertainment and a means to escape their problems. Problems include family breakdown, unemployment, drug and alcohol use and abuse. Young people may be involved in commercial sex work, struggling with drug issues, sleeping rough and/or in constant need of food or material aid.
Through this service, Whitelion/Open Family Australia are able to connect with young people on the street where the need is greatest. The Chatterbox Street Outreach Program is a vital link between Whitelion/Open Family Australia and young people who frequent the streets after hours.
The program is able to engage with young people at night and then our qualified and experienced outreach workers are able to provide timely and appropriate follow up during business hours.
The Chatterbox volunteer program-
The Chatterbox Street Outreach Program relies on the support of volunteers to ensure it runs effectively and meaningfully in the community. Volunteers are involved in a range of tasks including community engagement and outreach, advocacy and information support and material aid distribution.